Sunday, July 7, 2013

July 7, 2013 Toilet paper roll mini book.

It to totally awesome that you can take a toilet paper roll and turn it into something unique,

I made this for a person close to my heart. It was a thank you/ going away gift. For she is moving to Portland Oregon. I took step by step photos of this project. I am going to be posting them here so you can all see them.

                                                                 Step 1. The roll


Step 2. flattened roll. 

I flattened the roll then I ironed it. Then I put heavy books on them as they cooled. This helped keep the from warping from the heat. 

Step 3. Coloring the roll.

I inked around the outside of the roll. I wanted the roll to show. It was part of the design. Then I decoupaged it so that the ink wouldn't rub off. Then I sanded the roll to distress it a little. 

Step 4. paper on the roll

I put paper on the roll. I left a good portion of the roll showing. 

To this point in the project I did the same with the tags. I cut them out with my cricut. I then sanded them so that they had some distressing. Then I inked them like I did the rolls. but I heat set the ink instead of decoupaging them. 

Then I put a green dotted paper on them like I did the rolls. 
But I forgot to take a picture of this step. 

Step 5.  Putting pictures on roll.

I put the pictures on both sides of each roll. I started with the title on the front. 
I printed out a picture of the city of Portland and then put it in the cricut and cut out the letters. and for the shadow letters I used a picture of a cloudy sky. I wanted them to feel like Portland.
Each picture had a picture on the tag that went the the picture on the roll. 

Step 6. Pictures on the tags.

I put the pictures on the tags
Then I put stickers on the ends of the tags to that when they are inside the rolls and you flip the pages it says  Discover P O R T L A N D O R 

Step 7. The finished project.

I used rings to complete the book. I sanded the rings to distress them so that they went with the theme of the book. 

I wanted this book to be about the toilet paper rolls and the city of Portland so I didn't had any bling of any kind to it. 

I used eleven toilet paper rolls and eleven tags. I Put all the places I like to go when I go to Portland and there are some that I loved to go when I was living in Portland. 

There are a few things I learned about myself and about the things I did for this project. 

The first thing I learned is that I really don't like inking that big of a space. It is a big mess. The next time I do something like this I will use paint... 

Another thing I learned is as nice as it is to recycle those cereal boxes it is a pain in the butt when you are using them as a double sided tag. you have to sand the label off..... I would go out and buy chipboard the next time. 

I would use decoupage glue for the ink next time. I would use a clear coat paint. 

And the most important thing I learned is that this kind of project takes longer then I ever thought it would and I would start it weeks in advance of the time it needs to be done. 

I really enjoyed doing this project. I was doing it for the right reason for this very special person and I am so very happy she liked it. 

I put the finished book into a tube type box so that it could be safely stored. It was really funny because it was like a large toilet paper roll when you  laid it side ways. 

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